(2017 Melbourne Fashion Week image)
Melbourne’s Fashion Week has gives us the privilege to sit back and admire the talent that Australian designers have to offer. Melbourne Fashion Week runs every October here in Melbourne and its such a great experience when yuo get to whitness the breathe of sophisticated femininity that Australia as to offer in the fashion world. Rachel Gilbert is just one of the many talented designers we desided to write about for this blog post, she is very talented and successful fashion designer and owner of international fashion label https://rachelgilbert.com/ which specialises in women’s ready to wear items and bridal. We took a deep dive into the designers background and found out some pretty interesting stuff to find out more about the woman behind the dresses. Enjoy!
- Rachel Gilbert thinks for herself as being “confident, elegant and feminine”. This really caries through to Rachel’s designs each being a beacon of femininity and elegance (Waterhouse)
- The designer never finished high school. Gilberts decision to leave high school would not have been successful without a clear goal and game plan ahead, but she made it work, and with style. Immediately after Rachel’s departure from high school, she went to study at the Whitehouse Institute in Sydney, building a fashion empire out of nothing. This is definitely a woman who knows what she wants and how to get it. (Jane)
- Gilbert holds down 2 full time jobs: Running a company & a household. In an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald, Gilbert said that she had always wanted 2 children, and she now has what she wants. Rachel has two beautiful daughters names Storm and Sloane, but hasn’t stepped down from her business responsibilities! Rachel is simultaneously running a business and raising children – doing both with her signature elegance and ease. Her two children will certainly grow up in awe of their sophisticated powerhouse of a mother, who certainly seems a wonderful role model for them. (Waterhouse)
After attending the Melbourne Fashion Week Premium Runway 4 our top pic for design of the night was without a double Rachel Gilberts Stunning Alvida Gown features image in this article, to view Rachel’s work you can check out her website here http://www.rachelgilbert.com/collectionhome.aspx
(2017 Melbourne Fashion Week Picture from one of Rachels designs)
Article Written By: Alexandra Orr
Jane, Sarah “Women Who Inspire- Rachel Gilbert” Sarah Jane Lifestyle Blogger, 25 June 2014. http://sheissarahjane.com.au/women-inspire-rachel-gilbert
Waterhouse, Kate “Rachel Gilbert talks fashion, motherhood and business in a Date with Kate Waterhouse” Sydney Morning Herald. 14 June 2015. http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/celebrity/rachel-gilbert-talks-fashion-motherhood-and-business-in-a-date-with-kate-waterhouse-20150609.ghk4yj.html