When it comes to first dates, a lot can go potentially wrong than right! It could be the day you finally meet the person you’d end up spending the rest of your life with or you can learn a dating lesson for the rest of your life. Either way, your first date would forever be a part of your memory box. And, while there is a lot you can’t control in a first date – having instant fire and spark with your date, for instance; still there are things you can do to keep things in order.
Getting your makeup and hair done for a first date is one of those things. First impressions play a significant role in setting the tone and mode for the rest of your evening. And, if you aren’t sure what sort of makeup and hair would compliment you the best, just leave it to the professional. Even if you like to think you are a simple and natural girl, remember, it takes effort to look and keep lovely!
Achieving the perfect no-makeup makeup look for a first date might not be easier for you on your own if you’re not a pro! Your foundation can look caked up if you apply too much; or your scars and acne may peek through if you apply a little too much. Over contouring your features may look visible and unflattering. Besides, if you don’t know what sort of lighting would be in the restaurant where you’re going for your first date, selecting the finish of your powder and foundation could be harder than you think.
But, when you let a professional take care of your makeup for a first date, they work in thin layers to make sure you get enough coverage only on the places required. No caking, no breaking out. Pros need how to blend in your eyeshadows, contour, bronzer, blush and lip color in perfect harmony together that you look effortlessly chic and groomed rather than being artificially made up for a casual date night.
Besides, getting your hair done professionally for a first date inculcates oodles of confidence in you. When professional stylists do your hair, they just don’t pull out a trending hairstyle from instagram. Instead, they pick something to flatter and suit your face cut and length, texture and volume. We strongly recommend getting your makeup and hair done professionally for a first date. If nothing, at least you’ll get a chance to pamper yourself.
We have some of the best makeup artists on our platform including Manadana from Sydney, Check out her work here!