The Beauty Industry Boom has been going strong for many many years and proving how robust it is surviving global financial crisis’s and bouncing back stronger than before. In times of financial stress beauty products and services are considered a necessity to many Australians and its not something we are willing to forgo when money is right. However, RIGHT NOW the Australian market is strong and Aussies have more disposable income than previous years, one of the many reasons for the continued growth in the industry.
So, what exactly are the main reasons contributing to the billions and billions of dollars that is the Beauty Industry?
- An increased demand for beauty services
- An increase in “New Markets” e.g DIY beauty or home based products, home based services, beauty trending items lead by both celebrities but also now social media stars or bloggers and new product markets e.g natural and organic to name a few examples.
- An increase in discretionary income, people are spending their spare money on looking and feeling good about their appearance.
- An increasing demand for higher prices beauty treatments, e.g laser, microdermabrasion, fillers etc.
- An increased image consciousness among male demographic.
The expected increase in revenue year on year is 1.3% growth which is huge considering what its work currently. There are reasons, so it might be very tempting to go out and start a beauty business to try and gain a piece of the pie and we encourage anyone to do so, the world is literally your oyster when it comes to demand for beauty. However, be smart about what you decide to do and to further assist you here are the top determining factors which will lead to a successful and profitable hair or beauty industry.
- Having contact with your key markets (think about how you’re going to reach your market, who is your market, do you know how to market to them?)
- Use of specialised equipment (whatever product or service you are going to offer make sure you position yourself as a leader with the latest and greatest equipment)
- Proximity to key markets (Define you market and make sure they exist in your local area)
We are currently helping many businesses in Australia to estblish and grow their mobile beauty businesses so if you are one of the following
- Mobile Hairdresser Sydney
- Mobile Makeup Artist Sydney
- Mobile Hairdresser Melbourne
- Mobile Makeup Artist Melbourne
- Mobile Hairdresser Adelaide
- Mobile Makeup Artist Adelaide
- Mobile Hairdresser Brisbane
- Mobile Makeup Artist Brisbane
- Mobile Hairdresser Perth
- Mobile Makeup Artist Perth
Then you can learn more about how to grow your beauty business here.